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Blackberry Herbarium

B&W Blackberry and

Natural Living with Bioregional Foods & Herbs

Our New Consult Space is Open!!

It's small, but impactful.  Dark and dramatic, yet nestled in a light-filled sanctuary of fruit trees, grape vines, berries and wild herbs.  It's a space for healing, for writing, and for gathering.  


You Belong here!

Over the years, we've learned that our clients tend to be critical thinkers, deep feelers and creative makers and doers. Many desire to carve a sustainable path forward, and live in a world that is green, balanced, thriving and fun!  We created these "client profiles" to welcome new and prospective clients who want to get a sense of how we serve our community.  Which one are you?  

The Dreamers &
The Underdogs

These are the folks who know in their hearts that we live in a time of detrimental imbalance with our Earth and each other, and want to learn how they can contribute to a greener world, without sacrificing modern convenience.  Maybe sometimes stopped by overwhelm or sadness, these are the kind-hearted and gentle spirits who are ready to answer the call for change and share in the work of healing.

Get started here with a FREE 30-min Chat with Jen to discuss some of your natural lifestyle goals and learn more about our services, products and philosophy!

Purple Blackberry_edited.png

The Stewards &
The Wild Ones

These are our elders, teachers and friends who have long recognized their power and responsibility in caring for the planet and each other, and seek locally grown foods and herbs for their own families and healing practices.  Plant ladies, witches, forest dwellers and natural healers, your wild inspires and informs our products, services and content, and we especially love working along side your wisdom.

Get started here with a FREE DOWNLOAD of our handy

Bioregional Foods & Herbs Listwhich includes a sub-out list, and the best places to source!

The Self-Reliant &
The Game Changers

Disillusioned by modern medicine's "one drug fits all" model, these folks seek self-empowered wellness, diy recipes, hacks, tools and tips for creating their own herbal remedies and recipes for personal vitality and family wellness.  Fearless homesteaders, old school farmers, and independent thinkers, they like straightforward information and tools they can take home and make their own.

Get started here with a FREE DOWNLOAD of our favorite bioregional recipe of the harvest season

The Blackberry Herbarium's SunBread!

The Curious Cats &
The Tinker Toads

Free spirits and lifelong students, these are our clients who find pleasure in the little things, who enjoy discovering new sides to themselves and new world perspectives, and those who like to craft, create and explore the unknown.  These are creative thinkers, designers, artists and everyone else who love beautiful settings and meaningful purpose, and they know it when they see it!

Get on over to Great.Full Goods in Harrisonburg, so you can touch, see and sample all our products, including local raw honey and tinctures!

About Us

About Us

We are fiercely loyal friends to our local organic and no-spray herb farms, grocery stores, farmers markets, herbalists and crafters, restaurants, sustainability companies and wild spaces. We too mindfully craft and source each ingredient in our recipes and custom formulas, with a commitment to the wellbeing of the greater whole.  

We define "bioregional" as that which is native or naturalized, or that which could be grown here in balance with other species and natural resources, sustainably.  From nurturing a relationship with the plants we grow, to cultivating new and respectful ones with the plants we meet outside our garden, our approach is all about rekindling a reciprocal friendship with the living land we're on, and helping others find the joy and ease of rediscovering their own wild connections.

Hi, I'm Jen

It's taken me a long time to say that - " Hi, I'm Jen" - with any comfort or confidence.  But here I am having arrived in this version of myself, feeling at home and in love with this valley and the wonderful people and plants I've met since we moved here in 2016.


I've lived many places, and had many "jobs" and experiences, all of which I am grateful for, but none of which fulfilled me like my work does now.  Holding space for natural living practices through our sister company CYANWOOD and through my work here at The Blackberry Herbarium, connecting clients to bioregional foods and herbs, I feel I'm in the flow of my life's purpose (if life can even have a purpose - don't worry I'll add even more words to a run-on sentence somewhere down the line, as needed, to share with you what I ultimately conclude regarding "life's purpose" but until that moment of clarity, I will continue with the ever-awkward "about me" section that I may or may not have been coached to do, but fundamentally loath). 


Shockingly vocal, I actually deeply enjoy the quiet work of greeting the trees and plants around us, tending the herbs in our gardens, and harvesting their gifts to be wrapped up and delivered in the form of tinctures, teas, salves, sachets, syrups, electuaries, spice packs and more!  I love crafting and creating for others, and feel it is a source of my inner magic, a magic that is both mine and shared with this universe (and apparently with my miraculous armpit that can hold an open pair of shears, blade up, without fear or fumbling).


All I want for my clients is to feel heard, seen and supported, without judgment or rigidity, and free to be themselves in whatever version or place they're in today, to explore what's most important to them at their core, and to pursue adventures among our natural allies and wild spaces.  And if they don't feel that, I hope that at the very least they feel they're nowhere near as crazy as they thought they were, and have all the confidence that if there is a purpose to life, at least they won't be the absolute last to discover it.


For better or worse,


Bioregional Herbalist & Natural Lifestyle Designer


I adore this little apothecary. I purchased one of each of their herbal tincture kits my first time in. They were so easy to use and I love the finished products. Honestly, the kits gave me so much more confidence than I would have had trying to make my own from scratch. They were worth it just for that!  But I also adore the look of the jars and, of course, the actual effectiveness of the blends. My fiance's brother is a bit of an herbalism skeptic. I convinced him to try my Head Space tincture instead of ibuprofen a few months ago and he's totally sold on it now ;) I can personally vouch for how well all three of the tinctures work!
I've only used Dream State twice (I thankfully don't have issues with sleep very often) and it did the trick both times. My favorite is Cold Case—I haven't gotten sick at all since October because I take some any time I feel symptoms coming on. Amazing. The mouthwash I bought from them is also fantastic. I think the only thing my medicine cabinet is missing now is a general pain reliever (but maybe Head Space would work for that? I haven't tried that yet). I've also attended a home apothecary workshop here and it was so much fun! Jen really knows her stuff while making you feel like a close friend. In conclusion, I'm definitely President of the Blackberry Herbarium fan club.  - Kristin



Herbal Wellness and
Natural Living Consult Package

Three 60-minute sessions for $195​

We work one-on-one with clients who are ready to explore whole-being balance - mind, body, & spirit - through their relationship with the natural world.  We help our clients identify and define their own most treasured values, pinpoint areas in their lives that don't currently reflect their values, and implement dietary, herbal, and lifestyle changes that better align with those values.  ​


We also guide clients toward herbs, foods and other resources that are right here in the valley, so they can not only learn to establish more sustainable consumption practices, but discover the joy of getting to know local growers, wild plants and natural spaces of the land we all share. 


We can custom formulate herbal preparations, recommend herbal supplements, teach at-home herbal skills, share bioregional recipes, and lead private Therapeutic Yoga & Meditation, Yoga Nidra and Energy Work sessions.  We want the very best for our clients and frequently refer clients as needed to our many colleagues in the area who practice Integrative Medicine, Classical Chinese Medicine, advanced bodywork modalities, hormone balancing (pre and postpartum, and during perimenopause) counseling and trauma therapies, end of life guidance, and addiction services and support.


If you'd like to learn more about our standard Herbal Wellness and Natural Living Consult Package please visit our "Stepping in the Consult Experience" page, or complete the form below to chat one-on-one about more options.




Blackberry Home Apothecary Series
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We love sharing any and all things about bioregional foods and plant medicine and natural wellness practices, with everyday people, living busy lives who seek access to their own wellness through more natural means.  Follow us on Instagram for our most up-to-date workshop and retreat schedules

Or send us an email if you have questions, or would like to co-create an event, workshop, class or retreat!​


Our Products



FDA Regulations for herbal products can be an important way to ensure public safety and track public health risks.  While we have always complied with FDA Herbal Supplement standards and properly labeled our products, the task to bring such products to market has become too great for our small practice.


We are still following cGMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), but we will no longer be a "manufacturing facility" and therefore will not be selling our herbal products in a retail setting.



This year we are focused on seeing clients one-on-one for Herbal and Natural Living Consults, through which we can formulate and resource dried herbs, our custom tinctures, syrups and sprays, and all other herbal products directly to consult clients.  IF YOU LOVE OUR FORMULAS, BOOKING A CONSULT IS THE BEST WAY TO CONTINUE TO PURCHASE OUR PRODUCTS


Further, we are looking into direct farm-to-citizen sales for our raw honey, electuaries, DIY Tincture Kits, eye pillows, dried herbs, salves, tinctures, teas, throat spray, elderberry syrup, mouth wash, digestive bitters and more.  We will keep you posted as we develop this additional avenue.


Our last day of retail sales is February 18, 2025 at great.full goods, in Harrisonburg.  If you have any questions, or would like to purchase something before we go into stealth mode (that's a joke, FDA), please reach out us:

Our Products

The Blackberry Herbarium

Serving the Shenandoah Valley,

the land taken from the Monocan, Manahoan, Sioux, Cherokee, and Iroquoian-speakers and Algonquian-speakers.

A truthful history is the key to a peaceful future.



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©2023 The Blackberry Herbarium, LLC 

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